Congratulations to our Highmark Walk Grant Incentive Recipients

Every spring, many West Shore School District staff members and school board members participate in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community fundraiser where they can raise funds for the West Shore Foundation. To encourage participation, we award special grant incentive checks to the school teams that raised the most money over a specific goal. This year, we have four schools receiving checks….CONGRATULATIONS...

Fishing Creek Elementary School - Laura Paup - $137.00
Newberry Elementary School - Scott Mull - $202.75
Red Mill Elementary School - Renee Healy - $283.59
Fairview Elementary School - Lori Lund - $1,808.50

We hope you are able to fund something special to enhance the educational experience for your students. Thank you all for your participation!

Get in Touch

Please contact the West Shore Foundation office for more information about how you can make a positive impact on our students and teachers.

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