Fall 2024 Educator Innovation Grant Recipients Announced!

Congratulations to our Fall 2024 Educator Innovation Grant recipients!

We ❤️ granting wishes!!! We enjoyed being a part of the West Shore School District’s Opening Day festivities, providing donuts, and awarding Educator Innovation Grants. Thanks to support from our community, donors, and sponsors, the Foundation was able to fund a combined total of $25,131.06 to assist District staff in bringing their visions to reality. We are excited for all the GREAT THINGS that will happen this school year!

Congratulations to the following recipients...

Tom Dever
West Shore Academy/Cedar Cliff High School
Advanced Lifetime Health and Wellness Project

Beth Harman and Leah Williams-Rensel
Fairview Intermediate School
Vermicompost System

Heather Rojahn
Newberry Elementary School
Cozy Corner

Katherine Ort and Amanda Rozanski
Newberry Elementary School
Career Development through Multi Media Broadcasting

Katelyn Diehl and Corey Rowe
Highland, Washington Heights, and Newberry Elementary Schools
Cooperative Skill Building

Jessica Jones, Erica Shearer, and Frederick "Story" Withum
Allen Middle School
Self-Regulation Sensory Space

Nicole Mortelliti
Cedar Cliff High School
Accurate Workplace Settings

Nicole Fenton
Allen Middle School
Fostering 21st Century Skills and Career Exploration

Justin Weaver
Aquaponics/Cedar Cliff High School
Elementary Apiary Experience

Janelle Bingaman
Fairview Intermediate School
Fairview News Crew

Erin Milewski, Jessica Noll, Judith Huggins, Traci Derr, Ashley Doll, Katherine Bright, Karen Cummings, and Kim Given-Kessell
Red Mill Elementary School
Communication Across the Building

Shannon Koutsokostas, Carley Harfmann, Katilyn McArdle, Mark Heisey, and Nicole Fenton
Allen, Crossroads, and New Cumberland Middle Schools
One Middle School, One Book

Get in Touch

Please contact the West Shore Foundation office for more information about how you can make a positive impact on our students and teachers.

Contact Us

(717) 932-1818  /  executivedirector@westshorefoundation.org