STEM Cart at Cedar Cliff

The Foundation funded a STEM cart at Cedar Cliff High School, providing opportunities for teachers to incorporate STEM-based hands-on projects with their students.

The Foundation was pleased to provide Cedar Cliff High School chemistry teacher, Holly Sellers, funding to support the purchase of a STEM cart to provide opportunities for teachers to incorporate STEM-based hands-on projects with their students. This project was specifically implemented for science and math teachers to incorporate more “T” (technology) and “E” (engineering) with their courses. Students were able to design and create projects related to the topics they were studying as well as enabling them to develop 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.

The STEM cart was made available to science, math, and West Shore Academy teachers at Cedar Cliff High School. Five science teachers had used it various times in 19 different classes, impacting over 400 students. The STEM cart has been utilized in the instruction of life sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics.

Life Sciences

Students were able to:

  • Design an organism or cell with moving parts
  • Build an animal habitat
  • Create a device to help with an oil spill clean up

Physical Sciences

Students were able to:

  • Build a Rube Goldberg Machine
  • Create a car powered by a chemical reaction
  • Build a solar distiller


Students were able to:

  • Learn about area by designing a tiny house
  • Create cardboard furniture and miniature bridges incorporating shapes and measurements

We are excited to see how this STEM cart has created many learning opportunities for the students at Cedar Cliff High School. We cannot wait to see what they come up with next!


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